You’re only as good as your last job. So following the success of our previous Superbet TVC that saw the brand make waves (single-eyebrow-triggered Mexican waves to be exact), the ante had to be upped.
We looked to the stars for our creative response, and though Superbet weren’t asking for the moon… we gave it to them anyway by turning an everyday space expedition into a Super lunar event. Realising they’d won through Super Advantage by going two goals up, the astronauts promptly go for for a joyride in a souped up space buggy, triggering a bright red Super Moon in the process.
And it all ended up pretty cosmic. We created not one, not two, but thirty TVCs translated into multiple languages and delivered across multiple markets, along with key visuals for print, social and digital. Every Superbet territory from Poland to Romania and beyond knew exactly how to Go Super in their own particular way.
TTM Delivered:
30” TVCs across multiple markets
Key Visuals for print, social and digital